
Coca-Cola and its new prototype: Paper bottles

  Macro-companies like Coca-Cola pollute much more than we think. According to the audit of the environmental movement Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) carried out in 2019, this company was for the second consecutive year the most polluting in relation to plastic. That is not surprising, since

Why is the price of cardboard going up?

  Many sectors and companies have been affected by the Covid-19 health crisis. In the case of cardboard box manufacturers, they have been able to observe how the price of their raw material has increased as the pandemic progressed. This price increase is due to several factors, including con

5 Trends in cosmetic packaging for 2022

Trends, as time passes, change and evolve with society. In the world of cosmetics it's very important to be up to date in order to create the best products for your consumers. In this post, we'll talk about 5 trends in cosmetics that will help to know what is the current fashion in this sector: &

Space Packaging

Diets on a rocket are very different from the terrestrial ones, and so its respective packaging. Due to the atmospheric conditions we find in the space, products have to be designed to allow a comfortable and practical stay. Packaging is supposed to contain leftovers and not leave crumps floating in